Task Description
There are three subtasks:
Subtask (A): Identification of keyphrases
Given a scientific publication, the goal of this task is to identify all the keyphrases in the document.
Subtask (B): Classification of identified keyphrases
In this task, each keyphrase needs to be labelled by one of three types: (i) PROCESS, (ii) TASK, and (iii) MATERIAL.
Keyphrases relating to some scientific model, algorithm or process should be labelled by PROCESS.
Keyphrases those denote the application, end goal, problem, task should be labelled by TASK.
MATERIAL keyphrases identify the resources used in the paper.
Subtask (C): Extraction of relationships between two identified keyphrases
Every pair of keyphrases need to be labelled by one of three types: (i) HYPONYM-OF, (ii) SYNONYM-OF, and (iii) NONE.
The realtionship between two keyphrases A and B is HYPONYM-OF if semantic field of A is included within that of B. One example is Red HYPONYM-OF Color.
The realtionship between two keyphrases A and B is SYNONYM-OF if they both denote the same semantic field, for example Machine Learning SYNONYM-OF ML.